In this blog before we proceed to a thousand and one new ways to add variety to your everyday cuisine let me first emphasize to you how importance of healthy eating are. More and more studies link nutrition and health, recognizing the importance of healthy nutrition in the prevention of disease such as hypertension, coronary disease, obesity and cancer. People always have a different notion on healthy eating. It actually does not mean staying away from your favorite food but following a nutritious diet to remain energetic and healthy. Nutrition differs from person to person. It is good to know about the exact nutrition basics which are essential for you and follow them to have a healthy disease-free life. Eating too much is not a matter but what you eat is important. People very often think that eating healthy means eating all three times till their stomach is full. The concept is even if you eat less the food that you eat must be rich in calories and keep your body healthy and strong. Eating healthy food is really very important because it helps you to stay away from many diseases. This may hep your eating nutritious by making your nutrition more enjoyable by variety; example:

- give the bigger part of your nutrition to cereals, breads and other gain products and also to vegetables and fruits;
- choose more diary products, meats and more lean foods;
- try o obtain and maintain a healthy weight by being active regularly and by eating healthy;
- consume salt, alcohol and caffeine in moderation.
With a little imagination, it is possible to improve our nutrition and to vary our daily menus. To feel physically fit and obtain the necessary nutrition for good health variety is the secret to a balanced diet.We should consume nutrients of food guide each day:
- Grain Products, include all kinds of brads, cereal, rice and pasta: they mainly supply Vitamin B Complex and fiber.
- Fruits and Vegetables are source of dietary fiber. Vitamin A and Vitamin C;
- Dairy Products are important for bone development of adolescents and maintain of bone structure for adults; contains mostly calcium and protein;
- Meats and Meats Substitutes are an excellent source of iron and protein; all meats, fish, tofu, legumes and nuts.